Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Jean Jacket Show

Lately, I've been getting involved with Rock Paper Scissors Collective. They've truly been feeding my soul with my love of diy crafts and just meeting these rad group of artists doing what they love!

The current exhibit I'm honored to be a part of is the Jean Jacket show. Here's some snippets but there's really nothing like seeing it live and present. Now showing 'till October 19th!

My Jacket

It's been a long time...

Roughly 3 years since posting. It's been a whirlwind...this parenting...and growing pains mostly.
There's been a lot of patience testing and stretching. Not only are the girls growing, but i'm evolving with them. It hasn't been easy. Most times i'm perceived as a dragon lady or perhaps a tiger mom. But nonetheless, I've risen to the occasion, of being, a mother should to their children. But this dedication, with a lack of a support system is and has been detrimental to a relationship I've tried to work on for so long. I suppose at this stage in our lives, with our challenging circumstances, something (or someone) had to give. A connection we have fostered for so long, has festered.
We have become each other's sacrificial lamb and scape goats. Love drowning in the daily mundane chaos of having a family!